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Accounting Audit

It is a set of actions taken by a person or group of persons with the aim of giving an impartial professional opinion on the issue at hand. The auditor must have knowledge of matters related to auditing, as he must be familiar with all the requirements of the audit rules, whether the general rules of auditing or the auditing rules related to field work, as the auditor must take these rules into account before giving his opinion.

It is also a comprehensive examination of records, accounts and procedures that are completed by a person specially qualified and trained to do these jobs. The purpose of the audit and review of the accounts is to determine whether the amounts received and the expenditures that were spent have been correctly entered in the books, and whether the assets were properly evaluated and related matters.

We offer you the best accounting services, with utmost accuracy and efficiency

Bookkeeping under Independent provisional license

According to the value-added tax legislation in the UAE, every person who performs any business must keep his accounting records, commercial books and any information related to the tax for a period of five years. With regard to real estate activities, ten years, the legislator set a fine of 10,000 dirhams for the first time, 20,000 dirhams in case of repetition. In the event that accounting and commercial books are not kept, you can provide us with your receipts, which you can submit or scan periodically to us. We can then take care of your ledgers and return your papers upon completion of processing in the accounting record that has been designed for you We will explain what documents are required to ensure that you have a bookkeeping service that suits you and your business needs.