Our Tax Services

VAT Services & Tax Agency
As per the UAE VAT Law, it is the responsibility of the taxpayer to ensure that VAT is computed, accounted for, and documented in compliance with the laws.
Excise Tax Services
Services to International taxes imposed within a government infrastructure rather than international taxes imposed across country boarders.

VAT Refunds for UAE Nationals Building New Residences in the UAE

UAE nationals are entitled to a refund of Value Added Tax (VAT) incurred on the construction of a new residence for own use. To claim this refund, applicants are required to submit a refund form to the FTA.

Corporate Tax Services

UAE Corporate Tax will apply to all UAE businesses, except for the extraction of natural resources, which will remain subject to Emirate level corporate taxation. Foreign entities and individuals will be subject to Corporate Tax only if they conduct a trade or business in the UAE in an ongoing or regular manner.

Tax Planning Services

Analysis of a financial situation or plan to ensure that all elements work together to allow to pay the lowest taxes possible.

Bank and Hotel Tax Services

Helps to clarify banking and Hotel tax services.

Persons must register for value added tax if their business volume exceeds 375,000 dirhams.

Register with us ...

Value Added Tax

The value-added tax represents a new source of income for the state, which contributes to ensuring the continuity of providing high-quality government services in the future. This source of income helps the government move towards its vision of reducing dependence on oil and other hydrocarbon products as primary sources of revenue. The value added tax was implemented across the UAE on January 1, 2018, at a rate of 5%. Implementation of value added tax in coordination with the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council The United Arab Emirates is part of a group of countries closely related to each other through the "economic agreement between the countries of the Cooperation Council" and the "customs union of the countries of the Cooperation Council." The countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council have worked together to design and implement new public policies, and therefore we consider such a cooperative approach to be the best for the region.

Important tip

It is very important to know that
the corporate tax is going to be effective from 1 of Jun 2023.